In the late 1990s, the Progressive House genre emerged as a new, unique take on traditional house music and related electronic dance music (EDM) styles. Over the years, artists and DJs have immersed themselves in Progressive House music, both sticking to the original qualities and straying from the path a bit. So, what is Progressive… Continue reading The Progressive House Genre
Category: Genres
Common Tempos of EDM Genres in Beats per Minute (BPM)
We can use the tempo of a song as part of classifying the music genre of the song. Knowing the common tempos of a music genre can help us understand that genre better, which can help, for example, to make songs for that genre. This post is about common EDM genre tempos.
Is EDM a Genre? EDM explanation and EDM genre examples
Some people use the abbreviation EDM as a music genre, and some use it as a term for multiple music genres of a particular type. Therefore, I did some research about the abbreviation EDM.
What Is the First Techno Song Ever?
Every electronic dance music (EDM) genre started once with the first song (track) in that genre, which is also the case for the techno genre. We can learn more about the techno genre by knowing more about this genre’s first song.
What Is the First Big Room House Song Ever?
Every electronic dance music (EDM) genre started once with the first song (track) in that genre, which is also the case for the big room house genre. By knowing what the first big room house song ever is, we can learn more about that genre.
What Is the First Deep House Song (Track) Ever?
Every electronic dance music (EDM) genre started once with the first song (track) in that genre, which is also the case for deep house. By knowing what the first deep house song ever is, we can learn more about that genre. What is the first deep house song (track) ever?
The Tempo (BPM) of the House Music Genres
Every electronic dance music genre and other genres have a range in which the tempo of their music can vary, which is also the case for house music. We can express the tempo of a song in beats per minute (BPM). Most people mean with house music, a genre, a subgenre of house music, or… Continue reading The Tempo (BPM) of the House Music Genres
Electro House (Characteristics, History, and Subgenres)
There are many electronic dance music genres, and one of them is electro house. The electro house genre has some characteristics, an history, and some subgenres. This post provides these three things in an overview by which we can understand the genre better.
The Deep House Genre
Deep house is an electronic dance music (EDM) genre with a rich history, and its songs (tracks) have unique combined characteristics. What is the deep house genre?
The First Trance Music Song Ever
Every electronic dance music (EDM) genre started once with the first track (song) in that genre and is also the case for the Trance music genre. We can learn more about the Trance genre by knowing about this genre’s first song.